• What Visitors Notice about YOUR House

    March 1, 2023 | Blog | Elizabeth
  • I love having people over for a visit. However, I want my home to be presentable even if we have multiple children and we live in every square foot of our house. Here are a few tips to take when you only have a few minutes to straighten up and need to make the most of your time.

    1. Your Entryway.  This is the first impression for guests.  It includes the front porch where people stand and look around while they wait for you to answer the door.  A few things you can do quickly are put shoes away, shake out the door mat and sweep the entryway.  You can go one step further by creating a space for guests to put their bags and coats.  You could even add a plant in the area to freshen things up.

    2. The Smell.  You may not think so or even like the idea, but every home has its own smell.  You want yours to be inviting.  Keep a good candle on hand to light or spray the essential oil spray that you made last month after reading how in our newsletter.  You can even boil some orange or lemon peels on the stove.  If the weather is nice outside, then open a few windows and doors for fresh air.

    3. Your clutter.  It’s important for everything to have its place.  But if you’re like my husband, some of his things have their place on the kitchen counter for the whole world to see.  When someone is coming over, I put a few things in drawers, closets or close it in the laundry room.  Toys should fit in toy boxes or cute bins.  If they’re spilling out all over the place, the point is missed.  Be sure to clean common areas like the kitchen table.

    4. Your bathroom.  Sometimes, the visit is very unexpected.  If there is only enough time to clean one room, make the bathroom your guests will use.  Wipe down the sink, vanity and mirror.  Clean the toilet.  Make sure the toilet paper and soap are stocked.  This is a good room to light a candle.

    5. Pet hair.  If your guests don’t have pets and you do, they definitely notice the hair.  Vacuum the couch or wipe it down with a damp microfiber cloth.  Put away the pet’s toys.  Clean up around their food and water bowls.  Clean out the litter box.

    Hurry and follow these steps before your next surprise visit.

  • I love having people over for a visit. However, I want my home to be presentable even if we have multiple children and we live in every square foot of our house.  Here are a few tips to take when you only have a few minutes to straighten up and need to make the most of your time.

    1. Your entryway.  This is the first impression for guests.  It includes the front porch where people stand and look around while they wait for you to answer the door.  A few things you can do quickly are put shoes away, shake out the door mat and sweep the entryway.  You can go one step further by creating a space for guests to put their bags and coats.  You could even add a plant in the area to freshen things up.
    2. The Smell.  You may not think so or even like the idea, but every home has its own smell.  You want yours to be inviting.  Keep a good candle on hand to light or spray the essential oil spray that you made last month after reading how in our newsletter.  You can even boil some orange or lemon peels on the stove.  If the weather is nice outside, then open a few windows and doors for fresh air.
    3. Your clutter.  It’s important for everything to have its place.  But if you’re like my husband, some of his things have their place on the kitchen counter for the whole world to see.  When someone is coming over, I put a few things in drawers, closets or close it in the laundry room.  Toys should fit in toy boxes or cute bins.  If they’re spilling out all over the place, the point is missed.  Be sure to clean common areas like the kitchen table.
    4. Your bathroom.  Sometimes, the visit is very unexpected.  If there is only enough time to clean one room, make the bathroom your guests will use.  Wipe down the sink, vanity and mirror.  Clean the toilet.  Make sure the toilet paper and soap are stocked.  This is a good room to light a candle.
    5. Pet hair.  If your guests don’t have pets and you do, they definitely notice the hair.  Vacuum the couch or wipe it down with a damp microfiber cloth.  Put away the pet’s toys.  Clean up around their food and water bowls.  Clean out the litter box.

    Hurry and follow these steps before your next surprise visit. 😊