• Cleaning Your Closet

    I may be in the minority. But I do love to clean out my closet. I enjoy refolding, moving things around and packing up the old to make room for the new. Over the years, I’ve changed the way I’ve organized it. I’ve always separated by seasons and holidays first. Then, I’ll further organize by color or favorites. Although, I love it. Others may want the organization (and room for extra clothes) but lack the inspiration. Hopefully, this article with help with that.

    The first thing you need to do is schedule a time when you have the day to devote to it or a few hours if you’re quick. Put it on your calendar and treat it like a very important appointment that shouldn’t be overlooked or rescheduled.

    Now that the big day has arrived, it’s time to turn on your favorite music or podcast and get busy. Start by taking out all the clothing and hangers and putting them in one pile on your bed. (Gasp!) I know, I know. It sounds crazy. But you have the day or several hours and this is the only way to get the job done right. This will help you see exactly how much space you have. It’ll also make it easier to clean everything.

    Next, wipe down the shelving. Dust the baseboards and light fixtures. Wipe down the door. Clean the floors. The closet can air out with the door open while you go through the clothes.

    Sort your clothes into three categories. The ones you want to keep. The ones that are in good shape to be given away or sold. And the ones that just need to be tossed. Don’t go back and second guess yourself after you’ve put a piece of clothing in one of those piles. Let’s not lose momentum. I know you’ll want to keep mostly everything. But ask yourself these questions. Would I buy this today? When was the last time I wore this? When will I wear this in the next few months?

    Refine that keep pile. Here are some categories they should fall into. Layering pieces that are good for any season. Things you want and have actually worn in the last year. Clothing that can be incorporated into any trend. Staple and everyday pieces that are worn seasonally.

    Now, hang everything back up with a system that works for you and admire your work. Go toss those clothes that no one would want. Finally, feel the satisfaction in giving clothes away or selling some really nice pieces to help fund your next shopping trip.

    Now, go conquer the world…by starting with your closet!